Seth and Cesar the impact of the East in the history of mathematics. From Brahmagupta and Bhaskara II from India to Al-Khwarizmi (Al-Jabr) from the Middle East. They look at the impact these men had on math and what happened to that math when it got to the European continent.
Nerding Out is back and Seth has brought his very nerdy friend Cesar with him. They will be starting things back up with a series on Math, it’s history, and the part it plays in our search for truth.
What if is the latest in the Marvel series and it asks more questions about the multiverse. JonMarc and I discuss what it means to spend too much time thinking what if about your own life. What does What It mean from a Catholic perspective?
HSo much has changed in the last 20 years, and we are all overwhelmed with life on social media. Dr. Brent Robbins and I talk about some of the mental health issues that people deal with online and some ways to keep ourselves healthy in the digital age.
How do we show mercy in the digital age when we are so separated from each other and only interact with many people over social media? Dr Brent Robbins and I talk about the history of the psychological study of mercy and we talk about how we can show mercy to others, especially when how they see the seem to be diametrically opposed to our own views. Showing mercy in the digital age can be very difficult, how can we do it?
Today Todd Engelsen and I talk more about the mission of PEER Servants in the area of MicroFinance. We also look into what it means as part of the Kingdom of God that Jesus talks about, not just a spiritual reality, but an economic and social reality. How can we empower the poor around the world to become a part of improving the world.
On this episode of Nerding Out, we talk to Todd Engelsen, president of PEER Servants, on how he went from being a successful actuary to the president of a micro-finance organization.
You can check out PEER Servants at:
I take a short intermission (I need to tape more shows) and a short two week break. I wanted to reflect a little on the episodes so far, so please allow this short moment of meta reflection. Danka.
In this episode of Nerding Out, I talk to JonMarc Grodi, C.O.O. of The Coming Home Network International about why philosophy is so important, and how many more people are doing philosophy than know it.