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It has begun.

By September 24, 2013November 11th, 2013The Sacraments

I have spent the last almost 2 months planning and preparing for the Kickstarter campaign. As I said on the home page, this campaign is to raise money for equipment to make a documentary on the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Please keep this campaign and the documentary in your prayers. I pray that it will bring glory to God and share a deeper appreciation of the Catholic Church and her sacraments.

Seth Paine

Seth Paine has been a programmer since he got his first computer when he was 8. It connected to his TV and saved programs onto audio cassettes. He didn't have any games for it so he learned to write programs in Basic. He is now a web developer and That Nerdy Catholic on YouTube where he puts out a vlog and other random videos. As a Geek/Nerd, he most relates to Whovians.

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