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The Sacraments

Information about The Sacraments documentary

The Sacraments documentary is closer to becoming a reality

By The Sacraments

The past 14 days has been a whirlwind of working and learning. It has been a wonderful experience so far and I am thankful for everything that has happened. After the Kickstarter campaign went live, I jumped into how to spread the word through Facebook and Twitter. I know I should have figured those things out earlier, but that is one of those lessons that is so clear in hind sight.

I have also received confirmation many times in person and online that this documentary can be a great encouragement to many people. Just this past Saturday I had the opportunity to attend the Catholic New Media Conference here in the Boston area. People involved in Catholic blogging, vlogging, tweeting, and other areas of new media were there to teach and learn. I definitely considered myself one of the newbies in the crowd. Everyone that I met there was so encouraging and I learned many good lessons.

As for the Kickstarter campaign, things are moving along nicely.Thank you to everyone who has participated in the campaign by becoming a backer and thank you for all the encouraging words and prayers. There is still a ways to go. At $930, we are almost at 25% of the goal. If you are excited about this project, please spread the word. Forward this email on to whoever might be interested. Visit my Kickstarter campaign and become a part of this project to discover the beauty of the Catholic Church.

Go to Kickstarter Campaign

It has begun.

By The Sacraments No Comments

I have spent the last almost 2 months planning and preparing for the Kickstarter campaign. As I said on the home page, this campaign is to raise money for equipment to make a documentary on the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Please keep this campaign and the documentary in your prayers. I pray that it will bring glory to God and share a deeper appreciation of the Catholic Church and her sacraments.