Recently Kanye West had a dramatic conversion experience and has been very vocal about it and his new relationship with Jesus. As a Catholic, I have to rejoice in that. Would I love to see him become Catholic? Of course! But the most important thing to remember is that everything in the Catholic Church should be pointing us to Christ, so whenever someone gets closer to Christ, they are getting closer to the Catholic Church, whether they know it or not. My job as a Catholic on YouTube is to always be showing how my Catholic faith points me back to Christ so that I can help point people back to Jesus and His Church!
I am an Evangelical convert to the Catholic Church and my goal is to be a part of the conversation of what it means to have unity in the Church. Why are there so many different Protestant denominations? Didn’t Jesus pray that we all may be one in John 17? How can we have unity with all this division? This is the overarching theme of this channel. I hope you will join us and be part of the conversation.
Audio on this episode was recorded on the Instamic.
This video was sponsored by Nerdy Catholic Tees, where you can get quirky t-shirts with fun Catholic messages.