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Thank you for your interest in nuCatholic Media and the sacraments documentary. I have released the first of many short conversion story videos. This video tells the wonderful and encouraging story of my wife’s conversion. Please take a few minutes to watch it. Since I started working at The Coming Home Network, I took over the YouTube series, Signposts. They are also short conversion stories. I continue to develop the series and am working towards making them mini-docs about an important point of conversion in a person’s walk towards Christ and towards his Catholic Church.
In my own work, I continue to work on the interactive documentary Food for the Journey and have plans for a number of short videos about different aspects of the beauty of the Catholic Church. To continue working on these, I will have to purchase more video, audio, and lighting equipment. I would love for you to come alongside me with your support to assist me in realizing this project. Please sign up for periodic email updates below, I will send out information as the project continues to develop and we begin raising funds. Below are ways that you can help right now.